Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Color and Space Study Artist Vincent Van Gogh "The Starry Night "

Color and Space Study  Artist Vincent Van Gogh "The Starry Night "

There are very limited color used in this painting yet it created a strong sense of movement, energy by contrast and gradation. The tall dark olive tree establishes the foreground  while the small overlapping houses and hillside creates the stable middle ground. Finally the background night sky painted in light yellow and various shades of blue using strong visual texture strokes counter-balance the rest of the painting. This beautiful painting artfully captured the essence of combining color, shapes and lines to create an illusion of vast space and emotionally calming landscape with flowing night sky.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Color and Shapes Study Artist  Leonid Afremov

Bright and fully saturated colors, bold strokes and overlapping shapes, there is balance, space, energy and emotion, a perfect demonstration of 2D design principles. The direction of the horizontal strokes establishes the foreground , the vertical trees trunks and lamp posts creates an illusion of space behind the loving couple. Three bright fully saturated lamps echoes strong energy and a feeling of warmth. Finally the darker shades of colors at the upper boarder further pull back the night sky, further enhancing the illusion of space in the painting.

Color Study Disharmony Artist Simon Hopkinson

This is the closest I can find on color disharmony. The subject matter is gruesome and the colors of dirty green, black and red are all clashing with one another, creating a an uncomfortable feeling for the viewers.

Color and Composition Artist 
"Influence by Chidi Okoye 

Fully saturated colors and simple geometric shapes in contrasting colors are strong enough to create an emotional bond for the viewers. The organic lines and shapes and the textured brush stokes, all are in proportion and balance, give viewers the freedom to create a meaning for themselves.

Color and Space Study

The prismatic colors brings purity and energy to this painting. The illusion of light and the clearly defined frame establishes space within a painting. The yellow road leading up to the focal point of a red heart with wings further creates energy and movement, instilling strong emotion into the painting.

Illusion of Space Study Artist Tan Wei Chung

With simple principles of value, overlap, location and size variation, this Chinese brush painting cleverly creates an illusion of space. The visual texture created by different brush strokes further enhanced  the 3-D perspective. The red accent color draws your attention in an otherwise monochromatic  painting.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Composition Study Artist Renoir

There is a strong sense of movement and energy in this Renoir painting. The strong and sharp contrasting   (light and black) colors and larger figures sitting at the table on the lower right-hand corner, move these people towards the front, while the gradually blurred people in decreasing size create a wonderful perception of space and movement, as the street continues off the upper left-hand corner. This painting commands all five techniques: Overlap, Size variation, Definition location and Color!